
Hi, my name’s Judd. I’m a 16 year old Grade 12 student at Highland Secondary in Comox, BC. I’m currently training for the post-secondary electronics trade for WorldSkills Abu Dhabi 2017.

While in Grade 11, I participated in Skills Canada Competitions (Regional, Provincial and National). After achieving gold medals in Regional and Provincial competitions, I headed to Skills Canada Nationals in Moncton, NB and was awarded the gold medal in secondary electronics.

WorldSkills is an opportunity offered to post-secondary gold medal winners from 75 countries and regions, with most trade categories having an age limit of 22 at the time of participation. Since the Skills Canada Nationals post secondary gold medal winner in electronics exceeded the age limit, I was offered the chance to compete at WorldSkills Abu Dhabi 2017.

I feel so honoured and lucky to be able to have this once in a lifetime opportunity, and I’m determined to devote a great deal of time and energy; committing everything I have to this intensive year of training. It certainly won’t be easy, since I am a highschool student competing in a post secondary category, but that won’t stop me from giving it all I’ve got!

I created this blog so others can follow along with my training and progress. I want to share my learning experience, experiments and practise as I learn more about the electronics trade.

Feel free to follow along, copy experiments, and maybe even modify them in some way to suit your own personal application.

For more information about Skills Canada or WorldSkills Abu Dhabi 2017, click on the links below:

Or if you want to look at my competitor profile on the Skills Canada website:

Any questions or comments? Contact me at: